How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


New Member
if i have offended the gurus i will accept my dis rep. i have no patience left, if you smoked what i am smoking you might reconsider my goals, but i mean no harm to the homies or rollitup sorry fdd2blk. i will wait until my seeds arrive.


Well-Known Member
are prices going up anywhere else or just mid ga...... most zones are 120 now, 100 is like a steal... for mid that is..... g's of blueberry, trainwreck, pineapple are 25 if your lucky but mostly 30..... what the hell... i remember getting 70 - 80 dollar mids that were good from a 30 minute drive


Well-Known Member
It's going up to match the prices on the coast here in the west. But man, what tastey offers this growing revolution is making available.


Well-Known Member
thats purple power plant crossed with white widdow right? does it look tasty?? how much is an Oz going for in your area?


Active Member
I've paid anywhere from 140 to 300 Canadian in Sask. Better stuff is imported costs anywhere from 180 to 260, hasn't been really special either, lol. I've paid more on my travels north.


Active Member
idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much
you get an ounce of what for 30 bucks?...i'm in ATL and a gram of some GOOD (white russian, OG Kush, etc) is 20 way ur gettin an ounce for 30 bucks


Well-Known Member
he must mean $300 right?. . who in the right mind will go through all the work and care it takes to grow bomb dank. . and sell it like dirt weed.


Well-Known Member
he must mean $300 right?. . who in the right mind will go through all the work and care it takes to grow bomb dank. . and sell it like dirt weed.
I had a frend in texas 10 years ago that could get an ounce of skunk in texas for $40. Goo looking shit too. Its just so close to mexico there is not 15 different middlemen getting their cut.


Active Member
in PR you can buy an ounce of regular for any price from $45-$110 depending on quality, now for those nice buds like white widow, haze etc. the flat rate is 320 i have found a contact that sells to me for 200


Well-Known Member
Lower Ontario you can expect to pay about $180 for a decent oz and about $230 if you're goin' for stuff like WW, NL, SK#1, PH


Well-Known Member
hmm, well im in san diego about 20 min from mex and there is definatly no skunk coming through. . more like kilos of brick weed. it just doesnt make sence. . an ounce for $40, does that mean you could have got a QP for less than $160?? thats insane.. i know prices were probably cheaper back then. . but damn!


Well-Known Member
In Oregon I was paying $150 a half or $300 an ounce

Moved back to Washington a month ago and people trying to charge $200 a half and $400 for an ounce...this is just regular Chronic too, none of that super sticky long lasting high stuff... where all the washington members :)


Well-Known Member
Damn what a difference in price! Haha that's why you gotta grow your own smoke. Save yourself tons of cash!
Also nothing beats your own herb.