How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
where i am in scotland i usually pay 140 pounds an ounce but prices vary alot coz when its dry and you cant get any weed ppl will pay 10 pounds a gram.. 280 an oz lol..


Well-Known Member
in ohio i get an o of reggie for 100-135 never pay more

dank 180-200

kush 300-350

white russian :) my all time fave 650


Well-Known Member
its 650 cause its 30% thc and we live in southern OHIO it is dry round these parts specially cause its so fucking cold here


Well-Known Member
haha shit i smoked that shit 4 free for like a month and a half everyday 4-5 blunts a day

i have loaded friends