How much is a POUND of dank chronic in your area?


Well-Known Member
yeah im not good at math at all
its something i've NEVER been good at ever.

yeah a scale. its not that big but its always right on

idk im high so i can't figure this shit out even more (im forgetful when im high)


Well-Known Member
its not that im stupid, im good at other shit but i feel really stupid when it comes to math (and no im not retarded)


Well-Known Member
that's funny because my friend met this big black crip at mcdonalds that sold him blueberry all the time and he was from northside minneapolis, but the dude got pissed when my friend ran out of money and they never talked again because my friend got scared of him.

i guess it depends on who you go to.
its weird!!! i just went up to my dude when i was feignin i went to a mcdonalds to see if anyone had anything and thats how i met him but i mean, yeah i have met some other people and when i hear how much their selling its fucking INSANE and i don't have that kind of money right now so im happy with the dude i have right now.
the other one i used to have ripped me off once and yeah it was bad


Well-Known Member
no i was out at one in bloomington idk why.
and my dude doesn't know where i live so if he got pissed (which i know he won't cuz he's really nice he's no crip)
i can see where your coming from though
my boyfriend knows someone out in minneapolis (he lives in s. minneapolis) who hung out with some black dude who sold blueberry. he said it was real good but that dude who sold it was probably in jail by now cuz he hasnt heard from him in like a year


Well-Known Member
that's funny because my friend met this big black crip at mcdonalds that sold him blueberry all the time and he was from northside minneapolis, but the dude got pissed when my friend ran out of money and they never talked again because my friend got scared of him.
thats y if you gon smoke make at least ya money back in my eyes.
Yea u gettin high but that money wont come back into your pocket magically.


Well-Known Member
just 2 of my REALLY close friends who also grow and sell (but haven't grown for awhile)

yeah i do have alot to learn but im doiing my best.


Well-Known Member
okay if anyone else asks you killed them cause you fucked up.
Close friends ask if they aint helping u dont let them kno you still have them growing.
You not doin dirt with them they shouldnt kno.
Some of my homeboys kno but they do dirt with me and grow themselves year round.

It's really not safe to let anyone know whos not helping u


Well-Known Member
my guys both help me out, ones out of state right now but he calls in every couple days, he's growing out there and when harvests hes gonna be bringing shit back for all of us so we can all get a profit. were all working together and they've been growing and selling for a loooooong ass time. they know what there doing.


Well-Known Member
okay they are bigger than you so snitchin wont help them just be easy on who you sell to tho.

I got smacked in da face with the tool over a onion so know this is a dangerous game.

You workin with them so i hope dey help you out when you in a jam cause a lb can get you in a jam fo sure.

Esp since you a girl have somebody with you when you serve people


Well-Known Member
yeah i knoww.
i've heard of the stupid shit they've gone through and learned. see i got alot of trust issues but i trust them since they know what its like and what they've gone through.
oh yeah i know lol i'm not dealing alone i can't even do it. its a tough business and ppl try to take advantage of it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i knoww.
i've heard of the stupid shit they've gone through and learned. see i got alot of trust issues but i trust them since they know what its like and what they've gone through.
oh yeah i know lol i'm not dealing alone i can't even do it. its a tough business and ppl try to take advantage of it.
I don't think they try to take advantage of you it's more like you don't know how to weigh things.


Well-Known Member
This girl doesn't know what she is talking about, she probably gets an ounce of schwag for 90 that her friend tells her is top of the line. I life in california, where ounces go for around 240 for decent chronic and i've spent as much as 320 but never any more.


Well-Known Member
This girl doesn't know what she is talking about, she probably gets an ounce of schwag for 90 that her friend tells her is top of the line. I life in california, where ounces go for around 240 for decent chronic and i've spent as much as 320 but never any more.
wow thats fucked up damn
i know what schwag is okay?
im not fucking stupid. sure im not the best at weighing shit but i know the difference between schwag, regs, and other shit okay?
don't fucking say i don't know something when you don't know me.
ook so LAY off i know what the fuck im doing


Well-Known Member
wow thats fucked up damn
i know what schwag is okay?
im not fucking stupid. sure im not the best at weighing shit but i know the difference between schwag, regs, and other shit okay?
don't fucking say i don't know something when you don't know me.
ook so LAY off i know what the fuck im doing
are ya sure you know what you're doing? what is the difference between schwag and kush?