How much? For how potent?


Well-Known Member
First let me state my tolerance (unfortunately) is very high, 400-450mg to feel effects, 500mg perfect for relaxation with giggles for me.

But buying edibles in my state is pathetically low dosages

My state is a medical state but the edibles and capsules are miserably low at 5mg or 10mg. Meaning a whole bag of 12 is 120mg of edible And is 50 bucks. The best bang for my buck is a 30ml tincture with 285mg thc but then I’m drinking 30 ml of MCT oil every time.

Id like to know how to calculate mg when making homemade edibles, and how much I need for each brownie to be 500-750mg

To me this seems like a tough deal to get into I’m not too great a chef. I’d like to purchase on the dark web but I’m having trouble selecting a trustworthy vendor

Anyways, if you could help me out I’d appreciate it


Fluffy Butt

Well-Known Member
With such a high tolerance I would consider two options. First one is RSO, which is around 600mg thc per $40 gram. Since you're taking nearly a gram a day of it, you should probably be making your own.

Option two is hash caps. Make dry ice hash, decarb, mix with coconut oil and lecithin and capsulize. These can be quite potent with the added lecithin. Also best to be making your own.


Active Member
The standard guesstimate is a loose formula based on thc percentage
15% per gram is 150 mg, 18% is 180mg
Multiply that by how many grams you are using and you have a rough idea
So 5 grams at 15% would be 750 mg
This is just a basic explanation and you can Google the formula, if you know your percentage then you are ahead of the game
On an alcohol extraction you have to reduce the mg by a third, the alcohol does a great job of extraction but I think you can only get higher yields in a laboratory process, us diy have to settle for 2/3
So by this guesstimate 5 grams at 15% thc would yield 500 mg that would be available in your tincture
If you Google psychedelic Sam, you will get a link to his site/thread that will give you a much better explanation and a detailed method that I use
This is just to point you in the tincture direction
The above is not the entire formula just a little info you can research
It is pretty hard to get exact mg without lab testing your edibles
My first batch I portioned a dose into 4 smaller doses and took a small dose every half hour until I got the desired result
If you check Sams thread I have a video on infusing simple syrup with minimal cannabis taste
Also Google Brassnwood for the hash caps recipe
This is just to get you started, it may seem overwhelming but once you try you will not be disappointed......I hope
I operate in the 25=50mg range, anything above that I turn into an idiot, very low tolerance compared to a lot of folks


Well-Known Member
I just made tincture using my Magical Butter Machine and it came out to 71mg THC per 5ml when lab tested. I decarbed an ounce of flower at 250 for 30 minutes then put it in my machine on the tincture setting for 4 hours in 190 proof Everclear. My tolerance is pretty close to yours so this tincture is a game changer. I made 2 batches of it and turned the second batch into gummy bears. It was extremely easy and exactly what you're looking for.

Edit: Forgot to mention I used 8 oz. Everclear to an ounce of flower. The flower was mid-shelf at best, so if you used better flower you'd get stronger tincture.