How much air flow in dry tent??


Active Member
i'm drying some now, and just need an idea about how much air flow is too much...

my setup is a DR tent with fan/cf. when I shut myself inside tent, it feels like a slight breeze where the buds are drying, is this too much air or is it just right? I know you dont want a fan pointed at buds, so i wonder if the slight breeze from the cf sucking air is too much or not?

my temps are 60's night / 70-80 day...RH% 50%


Well-Known Member
sounds ok to me, just a nice breeze near them, but not directly blowing on them will help to remove the moist air away from them as they dry
75-80 is a nice temp i think, takes 7-10 days to dry

at 60f that's too low, it should be fine as your day time temps are warm will help it dry
60f day and night would take 2 weeks + to dry, and could encourage mold



Active Member
so if there is a light breeze caused by my inline sucking air through tent, it could be too much air if its in the same area where buds hang? I have my cf sitting on floor at bottom of tent with fan on top of cf

i have a dehumidifier on...rh is at 50% now..

best way to describe it is like if i put my arm in tent and zip around it, my hand feels slight air hitting my hand...very slight...not very breezy, just slight air movement...

the reason i'm a little freaking out is my last grow i had buds in closet and had a fun on but not really pointed at buds and they dried way too fast and the buds were shit...

i dont want that for this wifi bud especially!!!


Active Member
sounds ok to me, just a nice breeze near them, but not directly blowing on them will help to remove the moist air away from them as they dry
75-80 is a nice temp i think, takes 7-10 days to dry

at 60f that's too low, it should be fine as your day time temps are warm will help it dry
60f day and night would take 2 weeks + to dry, and could encourage mold

thanks for your help btw + rep.... i took a look at your pics in your journal, nice pics man!! :) they look dank! i'll have to post some pics of mine


Well-Known Member
thanks for your help btw + rep.... i took a look at your pics in your journal, nice pics man!! :) they look dank! i'll have to post some pics of mine
cool m8, im sure you will be fine, look foward to your pics
aim to dry them in 7-10 days, no real benefit to drying them slower
you can cure them in the jars when they dry over the next 1-2 months that's when then they improve the most

peace m8


Active Member
there mustve been too much air nugs dried in only a couple days...they are kinda airy maybe thats the reason


Well-Known Member
yea I wouldnt have had the fan on that high

feeling a breeze means its a decent air current and you dont want that over the buds as that overdrys.

you want it taking out the humid air but not sucking it out fast. replacing the volume of the dry spot every 5min or so would be fine.