how moist is moist?


Well-Known Member
so dont water until the soil about 1/2" deep is dry right?

well ive finally got back on track after early light deficiency and that horrible fuck up with the perfect ph shit ugh, so i am trying not to kill them with over love as that is my tendancy lol

i call it soil but its really a mix of perlite, organic compost, peat moss, and a bit of lime....

when i feel the soil it feels what id call slightly moist as in not bone dry but getting there its been 2 days since i watered with a 1/2 str solution of flora micro and flora veg ( 1/8 tsp of each to 1 gal water)
they seemed to tolorate the nutes well but i dont want to over water them

i was planning on giving plain water this time as to not over nute, or should i continue with the weak nute solution?

and the main question, should i wait till the soil under the surface is bone dry? or is slightly moist dry enough?


Well-Known Member
It depends on the size of plant and size of pot. When the top dries out water it. How large are the plants and how big are the pots?


Well-Known Member
they are about 4-5 inches tall at a week and a half due to some stretching and are in 1 gallon pots as close as i can figure (8"x8") also the ph has been a perfect 6.5 even after the nutes =D thank you thank you *bow* it was 4 in that nasty mg organic i first had ugh...


New Member
Buy a moisture meter and water when indicated. Takes all the guess work out of the equation



Well-Known Member
Buy a moisture meter and water when indicated. Takes all the guess work out of the equation

Maybe I use too much perlite in my pots, but the few times I tried that thing, even immediately after watering, it only got like 1/2 way up the wet scale.


Well-Known Member
all right i guess ill hold out for a while but its killing me...

so what about the nutes? should i stick with them for every watering or alternate with plain water? or just give em plain water till theyre a bit older?


Well-Known Member
Most would say it's early to nute, but if you have already been doing it, then you might as well continue. Every other watering.


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to give them a leg up so to speak after all the abuse i heaped on them at birth lol and now they seem to be doing great, straight stems nice heads and a perfect green but this IS usually when i fuck em up so im trying to be very carefull...

thx for all the input guys =D


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to give them a leg up so to speak after all the abuse i heaped on them at birth lol and now they seem to be doing great, straight stems nice heads and a perfect green but this IS usually when i fuck em up so im trying to be very carefull...

thx for all the input guys =D
I hear ya, but don't go chasing after lost growth. Take it slow and steady. Let off the gas pedal a little and just get through the first grow like you are driving Grandpa's station wagon and you can try for a supercharged race car in your second or third grow.


Well-Known Member

i wanna go fast!- Ricky Bobby talledega nights

hehe bout pissed myself the first time i saw that movie....