How many watts...


Active Member
So YOU believe adding a resistor will give you more power than running an open circuit?
Absolutely not.
The HLG Type B has a pair of dimmer wires. If you connect a 100K Ω pot to these wires you can adjust the output between full power and nearly off.
If you put a 10K Ω resistor the output will be at 10% and 90K Ω 90%.
If you leave the wires disconnected or the are attached to a resistance equal to or greater than 100KΩ the HLG will operate at full power.
If the pot is set at 100 K Ω and you add 10 K Ω, the additional resistor will does nothing.
What the 10 K Ω resistor will do is limit the minimum resistance to 10 K when the pot is set at zero ohms. This means the minimum output is 10% or 32 W for this 320 W HLG.

Below is the schematic of the pot connect to the HLG
The graph shows the amount of resistance across the dimmer wires and the corresponding output current percentage of max current.


Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
The meanwell drivers are slightly over speced, they give a bit more than their speced max. If you put a 100 ohm on it it will give you the speced max. If you put 110 ohm or leave the dimmer wire open it gives the absolute max. This is not apparent in the manual, it was figured out by members before us. Were talking about 10% output aprox.
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It decreases conductivity
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The higher the resistance the greater the current flow... Dude said to add 10kΩ to a dimmer POT to make sure to get all of the driver because most dimmer POTs are a few % off and the drivers normally have a little extra to go..
So my context was off but my logic was correct, yeah I was in a sorry state last night for reading comprehension.