how many watts raises eyebrows ??


Well-Known Member
how much lighting is the man lookin for??

i run a 400w hps and was thinking of getting an additional 400w hps ,, will this alarm the power companie or??


Well-Known Member
Pay your bills on time and they wont care. High electric bills cannot be enough for a warrant. Many people run multiple computers with 1000w power supplies perfectly legally.


Well-Known Member
1000w PSUs are maximum draw. You'll get about 75% of that for sure. Most computers use 150-300 actual watts.

That being said, think about it like 100W light bulbs. You have at least one per room.... I can think of about 14 light bulbs in my house. All on at 100W is 1.4 kWh(or dual 600W HIDS, pumps, etc.). Ouch. 3 computers+Monitors... probably at least 600 watts. Now you're running dual 1000W HIDs, compared to my house. We haven't even gotten that far!