How many plants 3x3m 4x600w tent?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I was wondering how many plants i could put in a SCROG'd 3x3x2 meter grow tent? i want to use one td silent 1000m3 for exhaust, could i ?


Well-Known Member
so many details not here. lets say your usable space is 2.4x2.4m (especially if you are doing multi plant scrogs because it is difficult to work around, water etc. and you are doing soilless. you could easily fill up a net 4x4ft or 1.2x1.2m using 4 plants, which would give you 16 plants, you could go with more, but it doesnt take very long for a plant to fill up a 0.6 x 0.6m space
U need to add more info if u want any good advice or read some in forums many ideas on was to setup your grow space and remember always leave space for working around and under your babes


Well-Known Member
I changed my mind, i ll use SOG method with 16 plants.. 20or 27liter pots, i needfinish fast..