How many lumens do I need?


Well-Known Member
depends you dont reallyl need alot of light for veg..when you flower is when you reallyneed to have alot of light..bascially take the sun as a good has 10000lumen persqft..something like that


Well-Known Member
Watts dont matter its lumens that are most important, and for three plants in flowering stage you will prob need over 10,000 lumens if you want to get a decent harvest.. cfls emit less heat and use less watts than normal incadesent lights consiquently using less electricity but dont emit much lumens unless you have plenty of them, HPS are very efficient at emitting lumens but also emit a great deal of heat making you worry about making your grow area,grow box,whatever cooler because of all the heat.


Well-Known Member
About 6000-7000 lumens per sq ft will do comparable to outdoors(sun peaks around 10k lm/sq ft; average over the day is much lower).


Well-Known Member
that just one light..and the more futher away its get from the light the less lumens there need more thank just one of those lights maybe 3-4 if it were me i"d have like 20