How long will shock last? Plz help


Active Member
The long and short of it is I performed an emergency transport yesterday on my 2 week old seedling (shrooms growing in old pot) and so i put it on a low light and gave it a half to full cup of water in the new soil and let it try to recover over night. its not looking TOO horrible this morning (but not quite as green as before) so i added the 2nd 26 watt CFL (100 equiv). Right now the plants right at 80 degrees. What can i do to further prevent/heal the shock and how long should i be on alert? thanks for advice!


Well-Known Member
it takes about 5 to 7 days to get over transplant shock.. you can get something like thrive alive to reduce shock...

if you were growing mushrooms in your pot your growing medium was too moist and your humidity was too high...

hope this helped


Active Member
I wonder, should i go back to its regular water schedule, should i over water it to start off or dry it out? like what can i do as of now to help my seedling recover, thanks!


Well-Known Member
just be patient and give it time.. weed is well, a weed, and is very resilient.. wait till its completely dry to water... then moisten it down... then let it dry.. do this until it starts growing... get a water meter and only water when its almost completely dry from that point on... your plants do like it soaking wet but they dont like it bone dry either... its a balance between the two you want to achieve.. i am using about 5 gallon pots right now... and i only feed my girls a gallon of water every 2 or 3 days and they are almost 5 weeks into flowering... check out my grow journal if you want.. the links in my signature...


Well-Known Member
next itme u transplant take a couple of tsp of epsom salt and sprinkle in the new hole ur planting into this will prevent shock.
add sum to ur water when u feed nextime and it should recover faster.


Active Member
I had to transplant some recently, moving from outdoors to indoors. I didn't experience any shock at all. They actually took off in the first couple days. Though I was using some nutrients, Root66, Sugar Daddy, and Thrive Alive.


Active Member
thanks guys for all yalls help, ill wait another day to water me thinks. one last question, my seedling has been in the same state and size for the past 4 days, when is it gonna start growing? its stuck at the first set of true leaves like an inch long and the 2nd set no more than 2mm


Well-Known Member
be patient with seedling sumtimes they just look dormant then al of a sudden bam a huge growth spurt.

a had sum small yoda cush tha only had two sets of leaves i transplanted and sent them to my caretakers and two weeks later their a foot tall