How Long Until Harvest With 4 Nodes?


This is my first time growing my own stuff. I'm growing in indoor closet and want to start flowering when my plant has 4 nodes.

1. How long will it take for my plant to get 4 nodes?
2. How tall/big will it be then?
3. And how big will the harvest be?

Would be cool if you could post a pic too ;-)


bud bootlegger
when it has four nodes it's probably only going to be around 6 inches or so tall, or maybe a lil taller or shorter..
it could take idk, three or four weeks to get to four nodes, maybe a lil sooner, maybe a lil longer..
harvest height has many factors.. strain type, indica vs sativa, how tall or small it was when you flowered it, size of container, etc, etc etc..


bud bootlegger
Ok, thanks racerboy71, but how big will the harvest be? 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz?
yah, too many factors to really be able to answer that one for you.. if you have the room, i'd suggest vegging her as long as you can, or till you see either preflowers or alternating nodes, then flower her..
the longer the veg, the bigger your yields will be for sure..


ok, but can I start flowering my plant (with 4 nodes) before it shows its sex?

and do you think I will get over 1/2 oz weed?

sorry for all the questions, but I'm a newbie :P


bud bootlegger
ok, but can I start flowering my plant (with 4 nodes) before it shows its sex?

and do you think I will get over 1/2 oz weed?

sorry for all the questions, but I'm a newbie :P

you can start flowering right from seed, although i've never seen the point of doing so, but lots of peps still do it.. as for yield, at that size, i'd say 1/2 ounce would be about the most that you may get as opposed to a couple of ounces per plant if you let them go bigger.. :)


Thank you racerboy71, you've been really helpful.
Last question:

So if I let it grow about 6-8 inches, with 4 nodes when i start flowering, roughly how big will it get when it's time to harvest?
And how many weeks will flowering take?


bud bootlegger
ok... first of all, let me ask and get it out of the way.. do you have an idea of what strain you're growing or is it some random bag seed??
after i know this, i'll be able to better help you out some more.. :)


I'm sorry but I don't know what strain it is. :( But could you answer for both Sativa and Indica.


bud bootlegger
ok, i will then.. :), lol... an indica will probably at least double in size from the time you put it into flower.. so a say 6 inch plant when you start 12 / 12 will probably end up some where around 12 or so inches tall..
a sativa dominant strain will more than likely triple in size from the time you put it into flower.. so again a 6 inch plant will probably end up some where around 18 inches or so tall when all is said and done..
some indica's may do more than double, some may do less.. same with sativa's, but doubling and tripling are pretty good jumping off points..


bud bootlegger
oh shit, i'm sorry m8, i forgot all about that part, lol..
again, indica dom strains usually take around 8 weeks or so from the time you put them into 12 /12 to finish, and sativa's, shit, sativa's can take any where from say 9 weeks and up to about 16 or so for a truly pure sativa.. not too many pure sativa's are being grown indoors though for obvious reasons..


ok, last question this time FOR REAL :P.... Does each branch individually count as 1 node? Or does a pair of branches (2 branches) count as 1 node?


Well-Known Member
well if its short plant its autoflower, they grow only shorter and average life cylce is 8 weeks than regular sativa or indica strains...right now im only growing one bagseed of sativa outdoor...I ve been take care of this sativa plant for little over 2 months, last few days i took a pictures so you can get general idea...

it showed sex when this plant have 19 nodes...I ve already trimmed lower leaves at the bottom...and few days ago it showed guess im going to harvest her on end of the octember or november either....its long must have a good patience with that me , in the end you will get reward then you smoke that you grow it by yourself :)



bud bootlegger
ok, last question this time FOR REAL :P.... Does each branch individually count as 1 node? Or does a pair of branches (2 branches) count as 1 node?
lol.. ok. when a plant starts to grow, the nodes, or branch sites on the main stem, will be even, meaning that one branch will grow on the same spot on the main stem, just one across from the other.. think of a xmas tree if you will... and as the plants mature and get closer to sexual maturity, the branches will no longer be even like that.. you will now get one on one side of the main stem, then maybe about an inch or so of main stem, than the other one will grow on the opposite side of the stem again.. this lets you know that the plant is getting ready to reach sexual maturity...

ok, so that didn't answer your question, i just wanted to point that out to you, lol.. but you count the two branches, one on either side of the main stem as one node..


bud bootlegger
Alright so basicly, when there are 4 branches on each side of them stem right
right o matey.. you've got it.. a node is nothing more than where the branch meets the main stem, but when counting them, count both sets of branches at the same spot on the main stem as one node..