How long to recover???


Active Member
Im growing some Sour Diesel in FFOF and I screwed up my ph and ran it low. I have since flushed twice. Now Im wondering how long it will take for them to recover and if I can give them anything to speed this along (Root Stim or root accelerator)? Or do I just need to be patient?
I run a sealed room 1200 ppm CO2 85F 40% RH under 1000 wt.
Just as with anything that's sick, you need to wait it out a bit for things to heal.

I think it depends from plant to plant how long it takes to recover, but it seems like you're doing all the right things and that you've learned from your mistakes, so you're probably on the path to healing within a few days at the most.

While it's a crappy lesson to learn, at least you know now. And if it happens again, you'll know what to do.
