How long should seeds take the mature?

Hey everyone, i just finally got my two females pollinated, heavily... there will be no bud i dont think, its gonna be all seed. So i was wondering does anyone know how long this may take? I changed the light cycle to flower on 4-15-2010, the females have large seeds now, how soon can i expect the plants to start dying and for the seeds to be ready?
Well i got 10 views no responses, anyways today i removed a seed and the seed is formed but still green, so im guessing a little more time... its the 8th, and i changed the light cycle on the 15 of april, so we're looking at almost a month now


Well-Known Member
seeds take from 3 to 6 weeks to reach maturity
ready to use right away some say dry for a week or two
if you only polenated one branch the way i do you can harvest all but branch that is dusted and let it go the term

good luck that advice will cost you 5 seeds
1 Love


Well-Known Member
i just re read your post next time do one branch and smoke the rest i only grow two or three plants at a time and cant afford to have them all loaded with seeds cause seeded weed is not as strong as un seeded how many seeds do you need unless you sell seeds we must exercise our prioritys

1 Love
I forgot to ask my question, how will i know they are done? will the plant die or what? ive never done this before, i pulled one today and it was still green and crushed easy, so im guessing more time?


Well-Known Member
how many seeds can one expect to get from a pollinated bud?
i have no concept of how many seeds one can get from making ones own


Active Member
I forgot to ask my question, how will i know they are done? will the plant die or what? ive never done this before, i pulled one today and it was still green and crushed easy, so im guessing more time?
You wana wait until the seed looks healthy. They should be large, dark in color, and very hard. Usually this will take atleast 4-5 weeks.

Also, you probably wana let em dry out for a few weeks before you try and germinate em.


Well-Known Member
how many seeds can one expect to get from a pollinated bud?
i have no concept of how many seeds one can get from making ones own
If you lightly dust just part of one branch while keeping the rest of the plant covered with a "raincoat", you may only get a few (20-100, or so). But if you're going "Big Time", you can literally get thousands off of a big female.


Well-Known Member
I ask cause I have this silly little dream of becoming Johnny Marijuana Seed someday and just tossing seeds everywhere and such. I'm probably never going to do it (hopefully it will be legal in a year or 2, esp since I live in WA)
Haha is there any kind of rule of thumb for estimating how many seeds you might get?
like i dunno 50-100 per foot of height or anything like that?

how do you collect male pollen? do you just wait till they look like their popping and cover a branch with a bag and shake and squeeze it or something?