How Long Should I Flower

t dub c

Well-Known Member
it could be from 7 weeks to 12, it all depends on how long the strain takes to fully bud.


Well-Known Member
depends on the strain, youll usually want to flower for atleast 55 days - but some strains go 65 and 75 and ive had Island Sweet Skunk go all the way to 104 days til it was ready! use this trichome chart to determine when your crystals are ready. its all about what type of high you like, cloudy crystals will give you a sativa-like headhigh, and amber crystals will give you a narcotic couch lock indica-like high. i like about 60/40 cloudy:amber, but its all about what you like. now that ive stated that crystals (trichomes) are the most important factor in determining ripeness, its also good to be aware of the hairs - you dont want white hairs.



Well-Known Member
the white hairs will turn orange/brownish, the crystals will stop being clear and will turn cloudy/amber (check the chart above), the bud will plump itself up and get alot thicker in the last week. youll basically be able to tell when its ready, one day itll look so crystally and perfect that youll notice. just use the chart, you dont want to harvest premature cus it wont be nearly as good as it would.