how long should I burp jar ???

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
To get straight to the point I have a grow going and I just harvested my first plant. I hung it in a dry place and I let it dry for 3 days. The bud was dry on the outside by this point but my stems never did that famous "snap" sound . But it didn't bend either.. it bent slightly and then broke without too much pressure, but it had enough moisture in it not to make any noise.. hope yall understand what I'm trying to say. But anyway , I then removed buds from the stem and jarred them up yesterday, when I came back to check on them they had began to sweat as I read they are supposed to, but I never understood how long to burp the jar for.. I opened the jar and let the bud get fresh air for about 2 minutes last night. But when I closed it the bud was still wet, was I supposed to let the bud air out till it felt dry again??? I thought about that this morning , so when I burped it again I gave it a lil longer . Prob like 20,minutes today. But the bud was still a lil wet. I closed it anyway. I really dont want mold, or dry ass bud . So basically, I wanna know if I should only open the jar for a set amount of time like 10 or 15 minutes, or should I let bud dry out completely?? And how wet should the buds get after sweating in the jar??? I'm trying to figure out if I need more drying time.This is my first grow , can somebody please help... And I know how the riu community is about their pics.. so I added some just to keep yall happy...

And if anybody wants to follow my grow , check out my thread its in newbie central



Well-Known Member
just depends on far into the cure you are, first couple days i usually do 2 hours in the jar then about 20-40min out. than after that about ten min at a time is fine and reduce the time as it becomes dryer tilll it is no longer necessary to open jar.

also if im sleeping and its early in the cure i leave the jar open, nothing worse than waking up to some white fuzz in your jar

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
I could imagine.. I would commit suicude lol.. so should the buds feel dry to the touch by the time I'm ready to close the jar??? Or is it okay for the bud to still be a little moist?


Well-Known Member
yeah when you put them in the jar the outside should be slightly crispy but the inside still juicy youll know, try to smoke some. yeah sounds like youll be alright tho. just keep a close eye on it.


Well-Known Member
If you can find a smaller jar that would be ideal. You want the bud to almost fill the jar. I go by feel, if the bud is dry to the touch it goes back in the jar.

Do not be afraid to take the buds out of the jar in the early stages so they dry faster.


Well-Known Member
Honestly your best bet is to buy a hygrometer and slowly bring the humidity down to below 60%. I like 57-58%
The caliber III is about $20.
If it reads higher than 70%, take it out of the jar and continue air drying until it reads less than 70% after leaving it in the jar for a few hours.

Theres a great how to, I think its a sticky.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
I will buy some more jars of different size variations so for future harvest I can pic the jar best suited for the yield of a particular plant , do u think the bigger jar would make my bud dry faster and give a harsher taste??


Well-Known Member
big jar little jar doesnt matter its really relevant to the RH in the jar as to how fast it will dry in jar, more bud less air higher RH, i try not to "pack" my jars, mold city, but just fill them.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested too and dried 5 days put them in jars this morning and they smell like hey!!!! Its stressing me out! How long will this continue...


Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Damn.. sorry to hear that bro, but I think it night b to a poor trim job.. if it has that wet grass smell.. its prob because there is still a good amount of wet foliage ob the plant.. maybe u should try giving ur plants a better trim if u didn't the first time... And I'm not sure about this theory but I read that that smell can come from over-nuting. I found that my white widow had that smell for about 3 weeks during flower .. I cut back on the feeding the last 2-3 weeks of flower (as I planned on Doing anyway) and the smell went away.. idk if that's the cause still tho, just my 2 cent ... Sorry I can't give u more help , I'm a newbie myself
Honestly your best bet is to buy a hygrometer and slowly bring the humidity down to below 60%. I like 57-58%
The caliber III is about $20.
If it reads higher than 70%, take it out of the jar and continue air drying until it reads less than 70% after leaving it in the jar for a few hours.

Theres a great how to, I think its a sticky.
Good advice right there.

From what I've read, the "cure" zone is 50-60% and anything above 60% for an extended period of time has the potential for mold? Sound about right?

I had the same questions during my first couple harvests and from what i glean dry time depends on bud density, if you water prior to chopping, trimming before/after hanging, etc.; but regardless of all that, a hygrometer will tell you when to burp and how long. Until you can get one, use your best judgment and your gut. It's probably more accurate than 90% of the info you'll get off the net.