How long does root mass grow into flower?


Well-Known Member
I've heard different things about what roots do when hitting flower -- so what's the deal, does it keep growing at all, does it stop dead in it's tracks? can you induce additional root growth in flower and what would be the downsides of doing so (probably longer flower i'm guessing)?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how long they grow into flower but they definitely grow for at least halfway into flower. I developed circulation issues in my undercurrent DWC because the roots were clogging the pipes.


Well-Known Member
As someone who takes rooted and sexed clones and puts them directly into 12/12 with no veg time I can tell you roots grow continuously throughout. I did an experiment a bit ago using clear containers and watched my roots grow daily from transplant to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Root mass will grow all the way through flower literally still prob. be growing on the day you chop if it has somewhere to go.

By the end of flower no matter the size smart pot I use my entire rootball is literally like a root/coco sponge extremely dense and solid. At the start of flower it was nothing.... so yeah they grow literally til the plant is killed.