How long do i need to veg?


Active Member
So i currently have 1 week old cannabis plant growing under 3x 27w cfl's
My question is - how long do i need to veg it?
In august i'm moving away from my current place and obviously i cannot take the plant with me.
Strain - White Widow
grow space:
36cm wide
56cm deep
41(57 not accounting lights)cm high

First grow.


Well-Known Member
Want to switch it to flower next month then. So you have plenty of time for it to finish, dry and be able to clean up before moving.
If you didnt have time restraints then next best way to know how long is you want it to be 1/3 of the total height you have.
For me I veg until 1 foot then end up with them around 2.5-3 foot once done. But you wont be able to go that big with just 3X low power CFLs.


Well-Known Member
So i currently have 1 week old cannabis plant growing under 3x 27w cfl's
My question is - how long do i need to veg it?
In august i'm moving away from my current place and obviously i cannot take the plant with me.
Strain - White Widow
grow space:
36cm wide
56cm deep
41(57 not accounting lights)cm high

First grow.
Snafuu is right. you wont be able to flower with the lights you have now. you need at least 150 watts for one plant.


Active Member
Snafuu is right. you wont be able to flower with the lights you have now. you need at least 150 watts for one plant.
They are 27w and rated for equivalent to 107w incandescent lights. so about 300w~ of light.
Anyway so i should veg it for 1 month? when (if i can) should i top it?


Well-Known Member
They are 27w and rated for equivalent to 107w incandescent lights. so about 300w~ of light.
Anyway so i should veg it for 1 month? when (if i can) should i top it?
No you cant go by equivalent. equivalant my ass they lie. They are 27watts x 3 = 81 you will need at least 6 total of those bulbs to get er done. Keep in mind thats just the min. not trying to be mean just want you off to a good start.


Well-Known Member
Real power usage is all that matters.
If I was you id be saving for some more lights or better light to use for flowering.

As it is now, youd only want to get 6-8 inches tall in veg no topping.
Flower it and have 1 light on the head. And then you have 2 lights for side lighting and you may get 1 decent bud.


Well-Known Member
expected departure date, minus 2 weeks for dry and beginning cure, minus minimum 10 weeks for flower. I like a 3 week veg minimum.

So: if you're moving Aug 1... better hurry! 10 weeks veg, 2 weeks for dry and Start of curing, min 3 weeks of veg (more if you have less light).

~16 weeks from your move date is when you need to be On and Going. So maybe 18 weeks before you move date, is the latest you'd want to begin. But... april, may, june, july. That's 16 weeks, and we've already lost 1 from April.

Also: when judging lamps, go by "PAR." Luminance is a human-optic-subjective thing, not the right measurement to determine plant usefulness.

If you can't upgrade lamps immediately, don't worry. Just use what you got, and keep them close (but not too close). It doesn't take much to successfully finish a cannabis plant, but minimum light isn't going to produce stellar results. Just average-ish, probably. It'll still smell and feel good, just won't be all that great.

I've seen a mere 2x cxa3070 produce 'sufficiently'. I bet those 3x lamps mentioned in the OP would produce similarly (perhaps a bit less... but you'll have better spread). If you want to try, now's the time. If you wait, it'll be a scramble right before you move (or you'll have to wait until September to begin...). That will probably suck. You'll be exhausted from stressing over plants, and then you'll have to move all your stuff too! Fuck that. lol. On the other hand, you'll be stoked and motivated by having almost-ready bud. Hmm...