How long can a germinated...


Well-Known Member
I wasn't waiting. I had to leave for a day and when I got back a few seeds had cracked and had a taproot about 1/2" long...I was just wondering if they would be ok...I planted them a few min after the post and still no sprouts:cry:. Aren't they supposed to sprout in 24-48 hrs...?


Well-Known Member
Should be fine... Give it a day or so... Depending on your setup they should pop within 24 I would say.


Well-Known Member
ive read to lower your waters ph by using vinegar if you have no ph down... so i soaked a few jiffy peat pots using tapwater with vinegar you think that it will hinder them from growing...?


Well-Known Member
I would get a pH tester and test that pH before you water them or whatever... You can get some cheap strips at the fish section of some pet shop or wal-mart


Well-Known Member
i have a ph tester that i got from walmart...It reads from 6.0-7.0 which i know is a little high but when i used the vinegar the ph was 6.0....I am just worried that because i used vinegar to lower the ph, it might have stunt the seedlings growth, or worse stopped it altogether.


Well-Known Member
so, this afternoon I checked on my little babies and low and has started to break surface....but there is another that has a small amount of mold right where the seed was planted into the peat pellet. It hasn't sprouted yet and was wondering if there is anything I can do to remove the mold or do I need to just throw that one away...? My g/f and I check on them maybe every 4-5 hrs, so I know that it hasn't been there too long. Also, I have no hygrometer (i know, i know) I haven't been able to find a cheap enough one yet though...My peat pellets, 9 in all, are under the cabinet in the bathroom where no light can get to there anything that i can use to destroy the mold...? sorry no pics but hopefully i will have some by my next post. I live in FL where obviously the humidity is very there anything i can do to lower it besides a dehumidifier....? Funds are usually not a prob, but are for the time being..... :cry: