How long B4 U can determine sex?


I'm a noob and wanted to know how long usually before you can determine the sex and do you have to start flower stage before you will be able to tell? Thanks guys,


Well-Known Member
if you put them into a 12/12 light cycle then it is usually 1-2 weeks to see sex. ( i actually have small plants that have taken 3+ weeks)

if you dont put them into flower and leave them in veg it usually takes like 5-8 weeks for the plants to show pre-flowers, which can also determine sex.


Well-Known Member
like around 2 months or so into your grow, maybe a little more. Just keep checking for the pistal hairs (female) or pollen sacks (male) at the maine stalk nodes and on top. i always check everyday after 2 months or earlier just to be sure to get rid of the males as soon as possible. Hope this helps, and good luck!


Well-Known Member
if you grow 12/12 from seed it start for males at day 18. Females start to show on day 21 or 22. By day 30 all are sexed.

This may help you also.



Well-Known Member
take into consideration that is from seed. typically it is far before that for a mature or semi-mature plant

very informative post randyrocket. like the diagram. also i love your set-up. i modeled my 400 set-up similar to yours.