How is this looking?


Active Member
Picture420.jpg Its about 2 to 3 weeks old. Under 3 cfls in a closet with outside soil and no plant food or nutrients. Under lights 24 hours a day. When should i stop having them on 24 hours and how much should i water? Is there anything else i should be doing or will this work out for me? Thanx 4 the help.


Well-Known Member
That looks to be about 1 Week old maybe. I dont know what to say really, you can continue to grow, but with it being 3 weeks old it proboably wont grow up to be very strong or even a female.


Well-Known Member
if its 3 weeks old go out and buy some nutes, also water every 2 or 3 days it looks a bit small so just keep it in veg for another month then flower, good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
I would suggest Fish emulsion since you are new to this.

It has very low levels of the 3 Basic Nutes, Nitro-Phosphorus- and K.

Alot of nutes are 30-10-10.

Fish emulsion is 5-1-1, use about one Teaspoon to every 1 Gallon of Water.

You can get this stuff at Lowes, homedepot ect ect.

Its made by 'Alaska' and its called 'Fish Emulsion' smells like rotten ass but it works.


Active Member
hey man dont freak out even if it is 3 weeks old in my first grow i had no idea what i was doing and at one point my plant that yielded a mild 1.75 ounce looked exactly like yours just keep givin it light..and water ...

i mean its called it grows like a weed lol keep truckin dont let anyone get you down


Active Member
To increase co2, I use a co2 treatment daily. co2 pucks can be purchased (@ 50.00 for 15). But I make my own (backing soda / vinegar). Hope this helps.:hump:


Active Member
Seltzer water provides co2, just make sure you use a fine mist sprayer. If the droplets are too big they will form prisims and reflect the light and burn the plants.


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks pretty good without aging it to 3 weeks, lets say its closer to 2 and give it some love. if your still lookin for nutes you can get some blood meal to scatter on the surface of the soil, or some bat guanno to make em some tea. or just get some low strength basic ferts. just drop the dosage to like 1/4 to be safe. its a learning experience. if you dont have a ph kit id get one and check the water to be safe. you wanna be around 6-6.5. and i wouldnt worry about water droplets burning your plants using cfls. theres just not enough power there...maybe if you were running a 1000watt hid

good luck.


LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
you should also throw a fan on that guy so the stem stengthens up and i bet that will help it grow a little faster lol. Also change the lights to 18/6 and your plant will shoot up in the next week. Having the lights on 24 for 3 weeks doesn't give the plant much opportunity to grow.