how is she looking

2013-12-20_20-40-41_345.jpgJust a bag seed.that I threw in a pot about.three Weeks ago. Got 4 cfls on it add up to 10,200 a 55w 8000k t6..adding flora duo at >1/4 strength..very first grow..just testing my skills before I invest money into hID and some good beans
Thanks for the fast reply..not really worried about yeilds this run..just trying to make sure I can keep the plants stable and healthy..before I pay to do a good run
2013-12-29_14-43-11_318.jpg so im a Lil more than a month in.are they looking okay to you all..whats with the really wide leaves on the very top...look healthy????


Well-Known Member
the one on the left very top leaf looks funny but rest of plant and others look ok just because iits bag weed seeds dosnt make it bad unless it was crap to start with if was good bud then you should have good bud
ThanK you all..and I thought the leaf on the one plant looked a Lil funny as well..guess ill just let em go and see where they end up..ill keep this updated