How is she doing Auto BerryRyder [Pics] [Newb]

This is my first ever grow she is a Auto BerryRyder.. I am using 2 125w lights for 16hours on and 8 hours off im not completely sure if I should change this light cycle? she is 30days old just over 4 weeks I water her every night depending on how dry the soil feels. the 2 bottom leafs have gone yellow and started dying im not sure what I could have done for this 2 happen.. could some 1 please tell me if my plant is doing okay and if I should be doing anything and what light cycle I should be using?.. Thanks :leaf:



Well-Known Member
it looks good! maybe i'll go 20h/4h for the amount of light u got. go check my auto grow! Happy 420


Well-Known Member
hey bud... looks gd, auto strains are not dependent on regular light cycles, bottom leaves dying is ok, be careful with watering check weight of container by lifting for water needs, if light water


Well-Known Member
In my experience a fully grown auto is usually around 1-2 ounces per plant but again that varies by strain. Noone can tell you anything until she is done.


Well-Known Member
id grow on a 20/4 light cycle if I were you. and daily watering probably isn't neccasary. Cannabis dosent like to have its roots constantly wet when in soil, it stops them from breathing properly and will slow growth. Id pick up a cheap moisture meter at any hardware or gardening store and water when it shows the soil being nearly completely dry.