How is my Grow looking >19 days in!


Active Member
Hey im somewhere over 19 days into a Swazi, pure sativa strain grow and wondering what you guys think about its health and size! Its getting pretty tall so i tied it down for a short while, but I've taken it off in fear of breaking its stem by accident. I'm wondering if theres anything that I can give it around the house like sugar water to help it grow or if i should top it, or trim its flowers or any tips are appreciated!



Active Member
ya defs light stretching on that thing. give some detail on what you using and shit. lights, soil, all that jazz. you soil looks kinda weird, kinda like clay of some sort... Also you dont want to be using that tin foil dude, that will just cause reflection hot spots and burn holes through your plant which can just kill it in the end. get you hands on some white reflection sheeting and probably a stronger light if you wanna be serious about this..



Active Member
I'm using a 100W CFL light on top and a 60W Regular Light Bulb on the lower side, it seems to grow at a rate of 1 double set of 7 finger leaves per night, I'm growing it under 24/0 and this is my first grow. I'm only growing one plant and its very experimental, I used good quality garden soil that the plant seems to respond well to and also considering that Swazi is meant to be grown outdoors I thought it would be alright. I'm watering it once a day about 650 ml water per day


Active Member
The regular light bulb is pretty much just increasing your overall heat. Replace it with some type of a CFL and you would have a much much better light source.


Active Member
yea man go with the 42 watt cfl on top... 2 to 3 inches away to prevent anymore streching (plants go towards light)... also keep your ph of your water down.. 6.0-6.5 is ideal.... good luck


Active Member
Will do, thx for all the replys!

Any comments on topping the plant now? Trimming it etc? Or tying it down to that it doesn't get any taller? These things tend to grow quite tall and im not sure i'm going to have enough space in my grow area!


Well-Known Member
when you flower it will double in size so if its too tall now you should flower TODAY!!1 and tie it down i feel thats the best way cause it doesnt hurt the plant