How hight should i let it grow?


Well-Known Member
I have a indoor grow area and i need to know how tall i can let my plant grow before i put it in to the flowering cycle. I have a solid 4 feet total the plant can grow, from planter to a safe distance from highest place i can put lights. i was told that from when the plant first enters the flowering cycle it will grow 3 times as tall, so if i let it grow to 16 then go in to flowering that would be the best,it will reach about 4 feet or 48 in. 16*3=48? is this true in not what is a good rule of thumb on plant growth height?


Well-Known Member
do you know what strain you are growing?

sativas - 3x (ish) the height of veg
indicas - 2x (ish) the height of veg


Well-Known Member
yes, and i'm running a cool tube system with excellent ventilation and high levels of co2 because i live in SF.


Active Member
you will like the seedsman purple bud, its very dense with loads of crystals :)
stays short for a mostly sativa strain