How go your days in Azeroth/Outland/Northrend?


Well, I am a "casual" if you mean I don't raid for 12 hours daily, Mr. "Ne0.". :hump:
I'm sorry but the game is just so much easier now than it used to be, I'm not going to sugar coat it. And I happen to believe that games are only fun until they become unchallenging. The fun is from the competition and the competition is gone.


Well-Known Member
Man back in the days of old Naxx lvl took the best guilds in the world over 4 months to clear it...only 264 guild cleared all of naxx before TBC thats 7 months of hardcore raiding...The only reason WoW has exploded in the number of ppl is cuz they have made it into such a game where "casuals" can perrty much get the best gears in the game...Wrath came out ppl where up to 80 and everything cleared in 3 days :) /golf clap(fucking bizz)...and for the newb's wow there's a ton of em...everything on the internets works the same 'when everyone rush's in there's bound to be a bit of dirt tracked in'...just my two sence
60 Pally Busch- Kael'thas
Full tier 3, yes the ring too. :)


Well-Known Member
:) ahhh lol world of warcraft the game that made me think i could loot trees outside.. NO SHIT !

Thats when i knew... its over... :)


Staff member
days of notherend are good! like 4 bars to 80i cannot wait i cantaste it DLing patch right now!


Well-Known Member
I have a 80 Hunter and 74 Death Knight both on Dentarg. I've cleared all wrath content up to halfway through ulduar and then i quit for awhile, I'll prolly pick it back up next patch but $15 a month isn't worth it when you only play 1 day a week to raid for like 3 hours.