
Well-Known Member
Their is a hefty load of good information on this thread!

I might wanna take u up on that link matthew..."Never get busted again"...its not like im doing anything illegal, but its always good to learn something new everyday...lmao



Well-Known Member
LOL - They sniff for drugs in a COLLEGE dorm these days? They are taking away the one place in the world where it was always accepted that experimentation would be going on.

Start abusing prescription pills.


Active Member
u cant "fool a dogs nose" u dont NEED 2, you need 2 fool the cop...

but ur bag of bud in like sum kind of rear meat... the coper will thinkk the dog wants the meat.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
In summary:

Put weed in Pill bottle - Put Pill Bottle in jar of Peanut Butter - Put peanut butter in air tight container - Put in the ceiling.

If a dog smells that out I would be amazed.


Depends on the dog.

I know a woman who was in a bar with an ounce in her purse and a K9 officer was there with his drug dog and she was petting him, and it did nothing.

From my own personal experience I hid multiple pipes, bongs, etc. in a small hole under a floor board in my barn before it was searched and the drug dog did not detect it.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Depends on the dog.

I know a woman who was in a bar with an ounce in her purse and a K9 officer was there with his drug dog and she was petting him, and it did nothing.

From my own personal experience I hid multiple pipes, bongs, etc. in a small hole under a floor board in my barn before it was searched and the drug dog did not detect it.
They are trained to not hit people. It's illegal to use a drug dog to cause a 'hit' on a person.


most drug dogs can smell a simple little pinchhitter from like a mile away.


Well-Known Member
You need a shit load of strong coffee beans like a dufflebag full and put your stash im the middle.Old smugglers trick

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
You need a shit load of strong coffee beans like a dufflebag full and put your stash im the middle.Old smugglers trick
Yes. A duffel bag of coffee beans with 2 grams in the middle. A 2 gram bag that existed in september 2008. It makes fucking perfect sense to stash 2 grams in a duffel bag of coffee beans. Fuck me.

Shit if anything, 2 grams, I'm not gay but fuck jail... If you can grab that one.

Also, you could just get it all broken up in your bag as soon as you get it, that way it always goes down a hell of a lot easier in tight situations.