How dry is dry?


Active Member
I hung my buddies upside down for about 2 days and the smaller ones were on a screen, then i put them in brown paper bags that were kept open for 2 days. I just cut some pieces off of the bigger nugs and the inside stem and a tiny bit of leaf on a few were still a bit moist, you could tell only if you squeezed them or rolled them between your fingers. I put them into brown bags that are now closed, i was gunna give them another half a day or so. I want to cure them and im wondering how dry they should be when i put them into jars.


These pictures aren't mine of course.


sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
You should be able to bend the stem of the buds, and have them snap, if they only fold over they need to dry a bit more. The tips of the bud should be crisp enough to pinch off, and try within a day or 2 (of your current drying point), if they aren't dry already. I haven't messed with the paper bag method so I'm not familiar with how quickly it dry's the bud. With my buds hanging in a dark room at 65-70*, with 2 fans on the floor to circulate air, a dehumidifier set at 30% it took 5-7days roughly. Starting on Day 4 we checked the stems once dried enough, they went into mason jars. Through the whole drying, and curing process we religiously inspected our buds with latex gloves for mold. For the majority of the buds we harvested they went through 3-4 weeks of dry/cure process, but for our select stash it cured for 3+ months. The long cure made them the best buds I've smoked yet.


Active Member
right on man, so longers better. well i am going to cuba in a few weeks so hey il just leave em in while im there and they should be even better.

My buds are also very whispy and light so they shouldnt take as long, and do you think that would make them less susseptable to mold too? beacuse i havnt really been turning them i wouldnt think i need to.

im gunna try to keep a batch in the jars for at least a month or 2 that would be nice.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
There are two methods for curing I've used with success in the past.
First, after the drying process, they go into mason jars, and are opened to breath every 3-4 hourse for 10minutes for 2 weeks. After that first 2 weeks you can close that jar, and keep then in there for years (opening the jars as little as possible if at all) and it will be ridiculously sick nasty ganja. The reason for opening the jars as little as possible AFTER the cure is the oxygen will deteriorate the THC molecules, but no oxygen to degrading THC molecules.
The second method is a month cure process. The first week of the cure the jars are opened once a day for 10minutes to breathe. The second week they are opened 2 times (preferably a few days after the first week, and at the end of the second week), then the jars are shut for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks that the jars are sealed open the buds to breath the accumulated moisture, then stash the jars somewhere dark, and cool (avoid rapid changes in temperature areas) and enjoy them when ever you want. By the way what strain is that?