how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality


There are too many complications with so called 'studies' linking cannabis with any kinds of cancer, due to the drug being illegal, confounding factors and quality controls. This makes it easier for 'scientists' doing research say for NIDA to set the 'study' up in a way that is more likely to show cannabis in a negative light. You want a study to 'prove' that cannabis kills brain cells, you take a group of monkeys and force them to inhale more cannabis smoke in six minutes than your average human ever could during his or her lifetime.

Back when universities in the United States were doing cannabis research funded by the government, unless they got the results they were looking for none of it would see the light of day. It happens all the time; they want a study to show that cannabis does something horrible but instead come out with the opposite results. This is probably the very reason why there is no cannabis research in the US anymore.

So what do we know? Well, I know (among other things) that half a million cigarette smokers die annually. That's half a million bodies, per year, as evidence that there is a direct link between tobacco (or whatever is within it), lung cancer and other diseases. Where are the bodies that directly link cannabis to any death? We've been smoking the stuff for hundreds of thousands of years. I am also fairly certain that people used to smoke tobacco and there wasn't such significant rates of disease attributed to it.

I know for a fact that smokeless tobacco causes cancer too, and I also know that radioactive compounds like polonium 210 are present within mainstream tobacco smoke. Studies on laboratory animals have shown that inhaled polonium 210 is the only component of cigarette smoke that will cause lung cancer by itself.

When inhaled polonium 210 will form deposits in the lungs, which will become more concentrated with repeated inhalations. Being the highly unstable radioactive isotope that it is, it is constantly firing off alpha particles (slowly but surely damaging tissues) until stabilizing itself as lead-206. It has a half-life of about 138 days, which is the time that it takes for a given sample to have decayed into lead-206. If you're a cigarette smoker, however, you're constantly inhaling polonium 210 (and other isotopes) and thus constantly depositing more of those isotopes in your lung tissues.

Studies of smokers have shown that inhaled polonium can be highly localized in the lungs, with about twice as much polonium found in the ribs of smokers compared to nonsmokers. It is estimated that the dose to the skeleton is elevated about 30% in smokers. Another source of polonium-210 in the body is its gradual ingrowth from the decay of radium-226 and lead-210 deposited in bone. The average amount of polonium-210 in the body is approximately 1 nCi (one billionth of a curie).

Polonium-210 is a health hazard only if it is taken into the body. External exposure is not a concern because polonium is an alpha emitter. The primary means of exposure are ingestion of food and water containing polonium-210 and inhalation of polonium-contaminated dust. Inhalation is of particular concern in the vicinity of a source of airborne dust, such as a phosphate plant, and in areas of high radon concentrations, or for cigarette smokers. Substantial radiation doses from polonium can be expected in many tissues of the body; it supplies a more nearly whole-body dose than almost all other alpha emitters. Effects are more common in the kidney than the spleen, despite a higher dose in the spleen. The lymph nodes and liver can also be affected. Polonium that is inhaled, either from radon in the air or cigarette smoke, can be deposited on the mucous lining of the respiratory tract. When alpha particles are then emitted within the lung, the cells lining the airways can be damaged, potentially leading to lung cancer over time.

Tobacco leaves and smoke in the US also contain traces of lead 210, another radioactive isotope which is actually an eventual precursor to polonium 210. It has a much longer half-life than polonium 210: taking 22 years for half a sample to decay into bismuth 210. Half of that intermediate isotope will have decayed into polonium 210 after just five days, and of course half of that polonium 210 will have decayed into the stable lead 206 after 138 days.
And guess what: it is accepted that when a smoker has successfully quit, after 25 years they will have the same risk of developing lung cancer as a non-smoker.

Here is what the EPA has to say about it:


Active Member
in my opinion smoking anything isnt good for matter if its cigs or marijuana...even if you put a piece of paper in a pipe and smoke it you're still putting smoke into your body.

i always hear the excuse, "well i use a bong so its only one rip, etc." but 1 gram of tobacco (even if organic tobacco with no added harmful chemicals) and 1 gram of mj lit on fire and smoked is still 1 gram worth of substances burned and inhaled into your lungs/body.

no way around that.

commercial cigs are obviously much worse for you as some have been proven to have poison in them and other nasty shit..but still..smoking is smoking...

i think its harder (imo) to get lung cancer or whatever from smoking weed than it is when you smoke cigs...reasons being:
A) you dont smoked 20 joints a day everyday...but a smoker may smoke 20 cigs a day everyday for decades
B) marijuana doesnt have the harmful chemicals that commercial cigs do...especially those here who grow their know EXACTLY whats in or whats not in your buds

i still think it can take its toll on you...thats why im intending to get a vaporizer...just saving up for the volcano (might as well make my first vaporizer a top of the line choice)..

i wouldnt worry too much about smoking're in a much better position than being addicted to cigs...

if you're worried about it there are solutions to the problem:
a) eat it (cannabutter, etc)
b) vaporize it