How do you top a plant properly?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Simply snip off the main stem at any point below the growing tip. Cut straight through the stem, not on an angle, so as to leave as little surface exposed as possible, reducing the risk of infection You can cut off as much or as little as you want, as long as some branches with growing tips remain.
The plant may sulk for a day or two, but as long as other things aren't causing it stress it will soon put all it's energy into growing what is left.
You can continue topping the plant as many times as you like during vegetative growth, but it's not recommended after week 1-2 of flowering. Stress during the later stages of the plants growth can induce it to grow male flowers.


Well-Known Member
If you want your bottom branches really high, then Take off more of the top. The more off the top, the faster and Longer the bottoms will grow up.
I would not Top less than 2 weeks before flowering. It takes about 2 weeks for a plant to recover from any cliping.

justa hobby

wow never thought about it before being it my 3rd grow. but i will give it a shot if its that easy i thought it was more tricky than that