How Do You Smoke Your Bong?


Active Member
I've had this arguement with my buddies, and my cousin enlightened me on the proper way of lighting a bowl/bong. Fill it to whatever level you like. When you light the bowl, try to not let the flame touch the weed, rather pretend like your lighting the glass/metal just above the weed. Its almost like trying to light the very top edge of the bowl itself. The pot will light in a small area near the flame and work towards the chamber naturally without ever being touched by the flame itself. Release and inhale fresh smoke. The next person does the same thing in a slightly different area of the bowl, and they also have a fresh tasting bowl because the guy before him didn't torch the whole thing. Repeat until bowl is smoked.

Usually this technique requires a deeper "suck" so to say to fill the chamber, but when when you clear it and hold it in, killer high. Even if the weed is not the greatest quality. Obviously quality matters, but to have repeated sweet tasting bud 5-6 hits into a bowl is real nice. Saves from breaking it down as often.

Once I show this technique to people they like it because you can get fresh tasting weed 5-6 hits into a bowl. The only person that didn't like it was a self-absorbed narcissist who proclaimed he didn't care about anyone else's hit. Needless to say, he's not one of my friends.


Well-Known Member
it's called a bong HIT.
you finish what's been packed for you.
if you can't do it in one hit, take as many as you need.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I've had this arguement with my buddies, and my cousin enlightened me on the proper way of lighting a bowl/bong. Fill it to whatever level you like. When you light the bowl, try to not let the flame touch the weed, rather pretend like your lighting the glass/metal just above the weed. Its almost like trying to light the very top edge of the bowl itself. The pot will light in a small area near the flame and work towards the chamber naturally without ever being touched by the flame itself. Release and inhale fresh smoke. The next person does the same thing and they also have a fresh tasting bowl because the guy before him didn't torch the whole thing.

Once I show this technique to people they like it because you can get fresh tasting weed 5-6 hits into a bowl. The only person that didn't like it was a self-absorbed narcissist who proclaimed he didn't care about anyone else's hit. Needless to say, he's not one of my friends.

So you discovered heating the bowl with indirect heat?:wall: Lol...that "technique" is pretty much standard in my circle...I'll slap a bitch if someone torches my bowl. Indirect heated corner hits are best. Snappers or 1 hitters are ok...I have always just loaded my bong up to the max because I don't usually hit the bong unless I intend on getting high. I don't hit it on my way out the door to shop.


Active Member
exactly, my cousin pointed this out to me years ago, shit 12 years now. But you'd be surprised how many people, especially here in Michigan, think they know shit before even taking the time to listen, understand the facts, evaluate, and decide. Funny, I don't think its just a Michigan and weed thing, I think the country is 62% Lemmings. Just say whatever they hear without learning and evaluating. Thinking emotionally rather than with common sense. Free thinking is slowly becoming a thing of the past.


Well-Known Member
i pack my shit full ,

and keep blazein till its gone ( no exceptions )

if you caint handle the hit ,

you better take a puff or 2 of a asthma inhaler so you can baitch...


Active Member
i agree light on the side and the bowl burn in a line and everbody gets a fresh hit , if im alone i normaly just pack a hit at a time because you dont need but to are three hits of some 8a bud


Active Member
We use to be into the whole thing of sharing a bong in a circle of friends, I guess it was just the scene that it created around the bong. When everyone if trying to get high off a couple of bowl packs, and tripping out off each other. Now that I'm older, and when you have as much Bud as I do, there is not much point in sharing a bowl. Everyone who is smoking around me now gets a fresh pack to themselves, so that way everyone gets a good fresh hit each time, and gets nicely stoned. Just getting stoned together with some buds is good for me, we really don't need to share a bowl. Really fat ass Blunts are about the only thing we share and smoke together now, as one person would be burnt trying to smoke it by themselves.

Dick Bacco

fuck putting in single hits. I only put in single hits if that's all I have....otherwise I try to pack the bowl as full as physically possible.


Well-Known Member
I always pack the bowl full, and pass it around. Everyone who smokes out of my bong corners it, that way everyone gets a fresh hit.


Well-Known Member
Unless it's a bowl of hash, we always felt that a "freshie" for each person is the correct way to smoke a bong.

First and foremost, if you pack a bowl the first person is the only one who will get a "tasty" hit. The tube needs to be cleared or the next hit is much harsher and will probably make the person rasp out.

It's also more economical on yer buds!

good luck

bt dt
Exactly! If I want to pass a smoking bowl I use the bubbler!

And clear the damn smoke! stale smoke will always make you choke!

Also coughing up a lung is not pleasant to me...what's with everyone trying to take a huge bong hit and exploding before your lungs even get a chance to absorb the smoke...I always hear about not getting high enough if they do not cough...It's smoke inhalation/lack of O2!!!!!! Just hold your damn breath if that is the feeling you are going for!...or better yet try holding that toke I packed for you! That shit doesn't grow on....uh...well...maybe it does...choke on young bong smokers!



Well-Known Member
One hit at a time man. Were weed snobs though. No resin. No seeds. Just dank nugs or nothin. And there is no better taste than a fresh rip of green bud

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I absolutely hate it when full bowls are loaded, in my opinion a bong should never be loaded with more then 1-2 hits, anything after that is shit, The bowl burns hot, when the bowl burns hot for some reason the smoke just seams to pillow and recirculate at the base of the bong, when that happens it will make me cough so hard i throw up..


Well-Known Member
when in a group we pack full bowls. everyone does the corner hit thing, so we all get 1 green hit and 1 not green hit (a bowl usually only goes around the circle twice)

and if i cant clear my hit, one of the boys will do that for me :D

but this one girl whos recently joined our group of friends (and is seriously one fuckin cool girl to chill with hehe) takes the BIGGEST hits i've EVER seen. i mean...HUGE!!! and she seldom coughs, and i dont think i've ever seen her almost hack up a lung. she exhales and the entire living room of my buddies apartment is smoky. none of the boys can take a hit as big as her hahaha they try...and fail.


Well-Known Member
pic related what I'm smoking out of. That bowl holds a half g max, and I always pack it full and the hits are always smooth and crispy, no coughing or anything, you can control your hit by pulling the bowl.



Well-Known Member
i corner in my rotations and ive gotten quite good at it, i can actually burn more at the bottom than the top, so i have a 1 1/2 gram party bowl which goes around 3 people about 6-7 times and we get green hits more often than not, only problem with a bowl that size is that the last hit is nasty as fuck, and im the only one that will take it.

and to those people that can't finish bowls...youre a pussy, you can never get too high and you need to stop smoking and save the bud for the rest of us