How do you guys do it


Active Member
Well shit...

I have been growing for about two years now. And not only is it something i do to keep smiles and my friend's and I faces, It's also a hobbie and a great passion of mine.

Up until recently my work has never interfered with my "hobbie". But now that just isn't the case. I work for a large company and they have never mentioned anything about piss tests. A few of my work mates have already been dropped on.. And there ass is gone.

My actual question for you.. Is how do you invest in your hobbie and also find a fuckin job now days that doesn't require a monthly drop. I'm a guy of many trates and i do alot of work with my hands.. Where do you all find work, And i'm thinkin about moveing where the hell should i move do accomplish both, (work - growing paridice)

Thanks alot..


Well-Known Member
Well shit...

I have been growing for about two years now. And not only is it something i do to keep smiles and my friend's and I faces, It's also a hobbie and a great passion of mine.

Up until recently my work has never interfered with my "hobbie". But now that just isn't the case. I work for a large company and they have never mentioned anything about piss tests. A few of my work mates have already been dropped on.. And there ass is gone.

My actual question for you.. Is how do you invest in your hobbie and also find a fuckin job now days that doesn't require a monthly drop. I'm a guy of many trates and i do alot of work with my hands.. Where do you all find work, And i'm thinkin about moveing where the hell should i move do accomplish both, (work - growing paridice)

Thanks alot..
I have an annual 'random' test...

My technique I fail spectacularly.... (Being the best performer at work helps this technique.)

I googled how to fail with out doing drugs. I found specific poppy seed that will set off for opiates. I took copious amounts of IbProfin to make my 'THC" level even higher, and found a few other things that set off things like Valium, coke, speed, basically anything I could find that would set it off the charts.

When my tests came back positive for something like 12 drugs (I only smoke weed) my bosses flipped. I informed them that I was the top performer in the company for four years straight and I failed to see how a drug test was required. I then told them I purposely failed it to make a point and copied them on all the web pages that taught me how to fail so well.

They didn't fire me AND I'm officially off the 'random' testing list.



Active Member
I have an annual 'random' test...

My technique I fail spectacularly.... (Being the best performer at work helps this technique.)

I googled how to fail with out doing drugs. I found specific poppy seed that will set off for opiates. I took copious amounts of IbProfin to make my 'THC" level even higher, and found a few other things that set off things like Valium, coke, speed, basically anything I could find that would set it off the charts.

When my tests came back positive for something like 12 drugs (I only smoke weed) my bosses flipped. I informed them that I was the top performer in the company for four years straight and I failed to see how a drug test was required. I then told them I purposely failed it to make a point and copied them on all the web pages that taught me how to fail so well.

They didn't fire me AND I'm officially off the 'random' testing list.

That seems very risky, they could have very well said "goodbye"


Well-Known Member
I have an annual 'random' test...

My technique I fail spectacularly.... (Being the best performer at work helps this technique.)

I googled how to fail with out doing drugs. I found specific poppy seed that will set off for opiates. I took copious amounts of IbProfin to make my 'THC" level even higher, and found a few other things that set off things like Valium, coke, speed, basically anything I could find that would set it off the charts.

When my tests came back positive for something like 12 drugs (I only smoke weed) my bosses flipped. I informed them that I was the top performer in the company for four years straight and I failed to see how a drug test was required. I then told them I purposely failed it to make a point and copied them on all the web pages that taught me how to fail so well.

They didn't fire me AND I'm officially off the 'random' testing list.

you my friend.. are my fucking hero :bigjoint:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Im self employed which makes it easier most of the time but that also means that my boss is an asshole so sometimes its not easy :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rep!!! I agree it was very risky and probably stupid to risk a 90K a year job in this economy, but I have to stand up for what I believe in.

If I toke up on Friday night what does it have to do with my performance on Monday? Hell if I toke up Tuesday night what does it have to do with my performance on Wednesday? Obviously nothing or I wouldn't be the top performer yet again this year...

I feel that it's an invasion of my privacy and that my employer has no need to know what I do with my evenings and weekends.

What's next? Testing to find out if I'm sleeping with anyone but my wife? Of if I heaven forbid masturbate? Just how far are we willing to let this go.

I 'believed' I had a good chance of winning with my technique. When they tried to 'ban' us from carrying guns in our work vehicles (we work in some BAD area's) I stood up and walked out of the conference.

When I was asked where I was going I replied, "I'm getting my gun and going home, you can keep your job it's not worth my life. Who's coming with?" Everyone from my state stood up and followed.

The result, no anti-gun policy for those who live in conceal and carry states.

I was pretty sure I could get away with this one. They new there was no way I was on heroin. The test showed such a saturation that I would have to have been high as hell while taking the test. It was so absurd that they knew I was being my usual disobedient self.

I've been with this company 5 years, every single time they do something I don't like I stand up against it, quite loudly. Every time I've been proven right at a later date. They finally gave up arguing. It helps to chose battles you KNOW you can win early on, that way the riskier ones have a greater chance of success.



Active Member
That is a big risk. I don't yet have the seniority in my job to do something like that. But for you i mad respect that. Thanks for the responses..

And your right Me smoking the night before has no effect on my work the next day.


Well-Known Member
Drug tests by employer are unheard of where I come from. And if they were introduced I can guarantee over 60 percent of employees would be on one drug or another.