how do you feminize seeds????


New Member
colloidal silver on the buds, or you grow them a LONG time after their flowering period. Usually, but not all the time they'll turn hermie and produce female seeds


Well-Known Member
You can use male NANA's from a stressed female plant and pollinate a different female plant with the male NANA's pollen.

However this can leave a hermie trait in the developing seeds.



Well-Known Member
Colloidal Silver , spray on plant everyday untill she starts turning , might take up to 2 weeks

Also you can stress the fuck out of a good strong female and force her to hermi so she pollinates herself , dont try anything from male plants or your fem seeds will have a way more higher chance of being just straight hermi


Well-Known Member
So therein no way to do it to the seeds i already have?
No it starts with plants, then the methods above to create fem'd seeds.

NANA's are male flowers that sometimes grow from a bud calyx or bract. We call them NANA's due to them looking like small bananas .



Ursus marijanus
Colloidal andor ionic silver is bad for buds that you intend to store. It catalyzes the atmospheric breakdown of THC (it reacts with the double bond). I ruined some oil once with trace silver ... within a month it turned to inactive varnish. cn


Well-Known Member
1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female plants originating from the seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female plants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.
2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female plants from seed, a lowering for an increase in male plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.
3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female plants, higher temperatures for more male plants.
4. Colour of light: more blue light makes for female plants from seed, more red light makes for more male plants.
5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male plants.