how do you clean your smoking device?


Well-Known Member
i have a bunch of glass pipes,bong,etc that need to be cleaned. after smoking a bowl (sour monkey balls) I've decided I'm going to clean them all.

so hows the best way to clean? go buy some 420 glass cleaner?

could i use the dishwasher?


Well-Known Member
yep, ugzkmk basically stated the general method. cheap and effective.

if it's a vape, you should scrape what you can and smoke it.


Well-Known Member
use iso and epsom salt.

after you swish that around (may take a while of violent shaking but don't let your piece slip out of your hand) clean with hot water and dish soap to prevent any water spots.


Well-Known Member
yeah I wouldn't recommend hot water and dish soap to anyone with slight cracks or fractures in their pieces. it will most likely make it travel more and ruin whatever you're trying to clean.


Well-Known Member
i use oxy clean... soak it in warm water with some oxy clean for 10-15 mins, and everything just falls off the glass... i've been using it for a few years