How do u cut a clone underwater?


Active Member
This may sound like a lame question but how do you cut a clone from a mother plant, UNDERWATER? The branch grows up at a 45 degree angle.

So how do you immerse the cut site on the branch in an AG. I can see if it was potted and you could just tip the pot on its side and rig up a bucket to immerse in.

Come on, some genius must have figured this out... If I get an airbubble I add a week to the rooting process if it happens at all


Active Member
i came across that today too. i guess you just cut it then immediately put it in water then cut it under the water again.


Active Member
seems like you would lose your prime when that inner stem vacume gets ANY air.


Im thinking of water in a bag? slotting tuperware and taking the lid off w plant?

come on guys? how do you make a clone cut under water with the mother in an aero garden.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
ive never got a air bubble from jsut cutting and putting direct in2 rooting gel..and then cloner..but im imagining if u do wana do it by the book..just hold it in a bowl of water and make another cut right above ur intial cut..