How do they look?


Active Member
Three weeks old Today! Fimmed the 2 larger ones about an hour ago. (Green & Red) Hope i didn't mess em up!
3 Week Black.jpg3 Week Green.jpg3 Week Red.jpg
All together
3 Weeks.jpg
They are in Organic Soil, and have only been given tap water (3 day old to burn off chlorine).
3-26w 6500k
2-13w 5000k
2-26w 2700k
Temps: Sit at 80 degrees Fahrenheit lights On
at 70 lights Out
(use to be a 20 degree swing until i was helped out by Smidge34. Thank you again!)
-Reason for weird leaf formation on Red I believe
Humidity levels are between 45-55 depending on when the plants were watered


Active Member
What Im asking is: Am i on the proper pace? I have grown before, it seemed to take longer to reach this amount of growth last time. Oh and the last attempt were males. So im hoping for my first girl here soon!