How do these look?


Active Member
Just wanted to share some pics of my two plants, both are female and one was flowering for a week or two but it's now back to vegging. I'm not sure on the age of them either. Let me know what you all think.

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Willie North

Well-Known Member
thoes look great
Some of the pics dident work for me tho.
the second pic it looks like the plant has white pistols?
is it already into flowering?


Active Member
I'm working on getting them into the ground, I need to clear the area first and then I need to get the soil into shape so it's not so clay-like but once I do I'll post pictures. Yeah one of the plants went into flowering because I started them so early but the other one only showed signs of sex and stayed in veg.


Active Member
Ok well here's the new pic update, 5 days later and they've gotten noticeably bigger and it looks like the newest set of leaves is coming in as 9 fingered leaves.



Well-Known Member
why would u have a problem with them re-vegging if u are sure of thier sex? let them get as big as possible and go through the cycles nature provides naturally


Active Member
I was having a problem with one of them going into flowering because of the light schedule of the sun, it was just enough light/dark to flower the plant since I started these so early in the season. I am going to just let them grow, once the season goes to flowering these babies should be huge!


Active Member
The weird looking one looks like that because it has some mutations and I guess they showed up when it was flowering then re-vegged. I planted these sometime before 4/20, probably a couple weeks before.


Active Member
Update, the plants are doing good. They will be going into the ground tomorrow and I'll take pics after that. Here's how they look now, one of them is having issues and if anyone knows what it is then please tell me.


Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
hey they look pretty good, especially the first one. have you tried to diagnose the problem the second is having? it looks like the veins are staying green while the outer part of the leaves are yellowing? how much are you nuting, watering etc.?


Active Member
Well I water about every other day, and once a week I use fish emulsion 6-0-0 about a tablespoon's worth. Could it be a K problem?


Well-Known Member
If thats all your using is fish emulsion it could be a deficiency,but the other one looks good:confused:you should post some pics in the plant problem section.good luck