how do the POpos get search warrants


Active Member
Im just wondering there couldnt be that many people snitching. just wondering can they get a search warrant just by the electric company seeing that you have 1000 watts turing on automatically at 12 am and off automatically at 12 pm. Im really curious about how could they get a warrant for that alone when people could just be having their tv, computer, and other equipment on at the same time. Just looking at news and there is house being busted everyday. so how do they get these warrants.


Well-Known Member
They don't know when your lights are going on and off unless you have some weird direct connection. They only know what your meter says. THe most they can break down your usage is as often as they read your meter. That's why they still gotta trot their fat ass out through the snow and dogs to look at the little box on the side of your house.

What are you calling a snitch? A mailman who smells herb? A neighbor who sees you hauling in supplies, an old girl friend who tells a friend? A landlord who see some plants? If those are snitches than I say 95 percent of warrants are from snitches.


Well-Known Member
just wondering can they get a search warrant just by the electric company seeing that you have 1000 watts turing on automatically at 12 am and off automatically at 12 pm. Im really curious about how could they get a warrant for that alone.
highly unklikely, for the reasons you've stated

here's your culprit:

word is bond