how do i pick my male plant


Active Member
how do i pick my male plant that i should breed with? Any feedback would be great thanks


Well-Known Member
Go to the advance mj cultivation thread in the forum. there's a sub called breeders paradise, you may find answers there.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I find the female pheno I really like, then look for the same traits being expressed in a male.


Well-Known Member
Pick a stinky, strong looking male with a good smell and tight bud structure. Honestly, look at all of your males and pick the best one or your favorite
For the record, that is NOT offical breeding advice. Just an opion if you are doing this with just a few males and females.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Use common sense. Choose for whatever it is your selecting for and then test the seeds it produces. If it had the desired effect and the plants are strong healthy then keep him, if not try another male. It's really the only real way to test a male. You could smoke the males if you wanted or use multiple males from the same breed to ensure more diversity and less chance of failure.


Active Member
Thanks everybody for the reply good advise i will try it all. has anyone herd of the prophit strain.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Early/Fist sexing males- kill them
Lanky weak males- Kill them
Males that get Powdery mildew easily- Kill them
Males with alot of stretch and very little sidebranching- Kill them

Males with trichome/resin developement- Keep them
Males with strong odor/resin smell - Keep them
Males who produce strong seeds and offspring- Keep them
Males with little variance despite changing environment AKA stable male pheno- Keep them.


Active Member
Well the prophit might be spelled prophet i cant remember anyways if you get a chance to grab some seeds grab them up im half way through the session and wow they are huge im out door but they still take the cake. it super big and bushy also. I havent seen the finished product yet but it looks very promiseing. If you ever can get your hands on some seeds snatch em up. I also found out they dont really liked to be toped