How do I grow stalky plants?


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to this activity and my space, in height, is pretty limited, my goal is to basically grow short stalky plants but some of the seedlings are growing very tall and skinny. They are about 2 feet away from the lights. Could this be why?


Well-Known Member
sounds like the plants are stretching towards the light, lower the light so that when you put ur hand next to the top of the plants its warm on your hand but doesnt burn it if you hold it there and gradually move it higher as the plants grow
yep... depends on what light you have... but it should probably be moved closer to the plants. listen to saerimmners advice

oh, and the way the plant grows is dependent on whether it is an indica or sativa (among countless other factors too). if youre height space is limited look into lowryder plants/seeds.


Active Member
I appreciate the quick replies! Well, the lights are fluorescent, 4 of them I forget what watt because I didn't set it all up and I have a fan blowing on them because I heard it strengthens the stems. Right now they are about 2 feet away, should I bring 'em closer? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
bring them to about 4-6 inches away from the tops of the plants.
agreed, 2ft away is for blazing hot lights. my 1000w mh is 2ft .Cool cfl, and flouros can be put very close, which in turn intensifies light at the plants, yay.