how do i clone my plant


i have a plant that is a femal and i wanna know how to and if i can clone it if its already flovering


Well-Known Member
You could take a clone well into flower.. its just gonna take a while for it revert back to veg stage and root(about 3 weeks maybe longer).. there are diff techniques the way ive done it is you take a cutting about 4 or more inches(tho 3"would work) cut it at 45 degree angle dip in water get some shultz take root powder(doesnt have to b the powder other root hormones like gel,liquid work well too)dip in the powder then you need a medium(like soil,rockwool..etc)then you stick in the medium and keep your clone in high humidity(humidty dome or something) so the leaves are able to take in water while your plant starts to root again. Once you start to see rapid plant growth or if you have rockwool you can actually see the roots staring to pop out from under it, your plant is now ready to resume regular veg phase without the high humity. and thats it ...