How big of a plant can i grow in a one gallon bucket

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
How big of a plant can i grow in a one gallon bucket space is no concern i just dont want to out grow the bucket.

sgt d

Well-Known Member
I think a plant in a one gal container should top out around 2 feet, give or take a few inches. If I have clones in a 1 gal pot, I'll flip them at no taller than 12 inches, and that'd really be pushing it.

If growing from seed, they should be flipped probly no taller than 6 or 8", as plants from seed tend to grow what I'd call "robustly."

Obviously, it kinda depends on the plant; it would help to know what you're growing. Something that gets stretchy and tall in flowering should be flipped small; something short and squat should be vegged to almost full size before flipping. Research your strain, find out what kinda plant it is, and proceed accordingly.


The pot size has to be varied, transplantation of the plant at different stages will increase the growth..
For a gallon of pot you can grow up to a height of 12 to 14inch of the plant...
the more the vertical space will give a better growth...