How bad is severe stress in the last week?


Well-Known Member
Ok this isn't my first rodeo...

BUT I was growing with the plants attached to a screen. In my wisdom I decided to cut away the screen so as to rotate them in the small area that i have.

1 week left in flower.

Surprise they could not hold up the buds unsupported and everything collapsed and became tangled...etc. I mean like 90% of it!

So I did my best to untangle and to move them closer to a wall so I could lean a lot of the colas upright against the wall.

There are probably dozens of smaller ones that are still tangled...the plants were doing well and they are just woven into each other n stuff.

So how bad? Will many get cut off from water? (they are in flush stage at this point)


Well-Known Member
should not be a problem. would have to be some severe bending/pinching of the stalks to cut of water movement. and if it were to get cut off, you would notice it. leaves would droop, and die within days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a lot of them did the full on stalk break/bend. The buds are heavy. But there is a week left...I got maybe half of it supported on a wall...

and the center of the plant is getting a lot of light now! :P

FEck it...a week left.