How bad is it to use fox farm soil grow big in hydro set up?


Well-Known Member
does anybody else see the problem here? lol fox farms soil in a hydro setup? Are you talkin actual soil? you put dirt in a hydro set up? lol or fox farm nutrients inside the hydro set up?


Well-Known Member
Soil ferts are not complete (they typically contain little if any Ca and some other micro's) since the soil provides a portion of the nutrients. They also contain things like Urea forms of N which get broken down by beneficial microbes into Nitrate N which the plant can then use. Hydro ferts typically have more Nitrate N since there are few if any beneficials in an ideal hydro set up. I would go with a fertilizer specifically formulated for hydro. If that's all you have though, I'm sure it will work. Perhaps not ideal, but it should work. You know FF makes Hydroponic Grow Big?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
does anybody else see the problem here? lol fox farms soil in a hydro setup? Are you talkin actual soil? you put dirt in a hydro set up? lol or fox farm nutrients inside the hydro set up?
lmfao!!!!! Not their soil, he's talking about their Grow Big fertilizer. lol!


Well-Known Member
my dam kindle wont let me type in the box. Anywho yeah i ordered the trio like 3 weeks ago and i was searching on amazon and saw the grow big is hydro and dirt, i have been using the dirt grow big nute on my hydro set up.

Anyways i just bought advance nutriant trio. be done with it.


Active Member
I used the soil grow big in a 100percent perlite medium in a hemp style n feed once a day and my plants did well I have just upgrade to a gt424 nft system and I will be using it in that also so I guess I will find out lol also does any one no if u can mix different brands of nutes I was gonna use the trio of foxfarm soil in hydro with biobizz root juice is that Ok to do???