How bad did I screw up?

These are 12 days into flower, and I let the light get too close today. The leaves are burned pretty bad, but all the bud sites still look good. How will this affect my yield?


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
These are 12 days into flower, and I let the light get too close today. The leaves are burned pretty bad, but all the bud sites still look good. How will this affect my yield?
No sweat man. They'll bounce back. Ive done the same thing numerous times.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
These are 12 days into flower, and I let the light get too close today. The leaves are burned pretty bad, but all the bud sites still look good. How will this affect my yield?
That's a nasty burn, but at least it's early in flower. If you let a bud burn like that, it can permanently halt bud growth, so be careful.

Cut the dead growth off with a sharp scissors, and give it a week to bounce back (stunted top)

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
It'll be ok, we've all been there. Might delay your harvest by a few days, nothing major at this early stage, but be careful not to burn the buds as they get bigger. Upward growth will all but cease in the next week or two anyway, after that you hardly have to raise the light.
Ok.. thanks fellas. I have put some money and work into these, I guess I'll have to be more careful. It's a good thing that they'll stop growing in height, cause they're already 2-1/2 feet tall, and I only vegged for 3-1/2 weeks... good genetics I guess.

So... should I cut off the dead leaves, or leave em?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I never cut off dead or dying leaves, as long as they are attached to the plant it will extract energy from them, and drop them off herself when she's done.