how and what is flushing ? pics please


Active Member
hey im growin about 5 mystery plants and ive done a lot of research and another word popped up (holy shit there is a lot of things too know :shock:)! but yeah i am wondering what flushing is and how you do it . please post pics and advice! thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
I am assuming you are talking about growing hydroponics so you have to flush(clean out) your nutrient solution every 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
You can flush soil pots by simply running more water than usual through them. Say you normally use a half of a gallon per plant when watering - you could use 2 or 3 x that amount the last two weeks of flower to remove all the salts and nutes from the pot so that the plant in turn burns through all of the nutes stored in itself. You do this so that your smoke tastes and burns better.


Well-Known Member
Both of the answers you have received are correct, not sure they answer what you are asking. 'Flushing' does mean you pour properly ph'd water, at least two times the capacity of the pot. If you use a 1/4 strength nute soultion to do this its more effective. To flush in a hydro system you would just empty out your res and put in 1/4 strength nute solution and run the system. I usually would flush for a regular 24 hour day of watering cycle. Unless there is a problem or I am getting ready to take clones I don't flush. VV


Active Member
aight thanks i am thinking about putting my girls in pots and just sitting them outside for protection from the "pigs" . im not sure if the soil is rich enough i will try to post some pictures tomarrow


Active Member
you can go buy some flushing solution and run that through your hydro setup for the last 2 or 3 days prior to harvest. that way you can continue to give your plants nutes all the way up to 2 or 3 days before harvest. it will give that last bit of oomph towards the end for extra potency.


Well-Known Member
you can go buy some flushing solution and run that through your hydro setup for the last 2 or 3 days prior to harvest. that way you can continue to give your plants nutes all the way up to 2 or 3 days before harvest. it will give that last bit of oomph towards the end for extra potency.
Hate to bump this, but how would you flush if the plants were in the ground? Would you just water the shit out of the soil in hopes that the nutes will flush away in the ground?