How am I doing, 10 days into 12/12


This is my grow 10 days into 12/12 lighting. I have a 250w hps about a foot above the plants. There is 3 plants and they have about 25-30 colas all at about the same height, give or take a few centimetres. Topped them at the 5th nodes. Im feeding them Bio-Bloom. How am I doing? Should I be giving them anything else to aid in their progress ie, Mollases? Any help and info is much appreciated. Please rate it.



Thanks for all the positive reply's, the question is what more can I do and are they a good size for 2 months old? I did top them too don't forget. And what about nutes? Also anyone care to hazard a guess at how much smoke i can expect from these?


Well-Known Member
Why did you do that? You need those bottom branches & leaves for food for the soon to apear buds. That was a big mistake.


Why did you do that? You need those bottom branches & leaves for food for the soon to apear buds. That was a big mistake.
I guess the other 80 bazillion posts saying all the green under the canopy is a waste of resources were wrong then....

Quote "How much difference different training techniques make is debated but trimming lower growth that is far from the light is universally agreed to improve yield."


Well-Known Member
Agreed 100%.... you just fucked the shit out of these plants man....... Your yield is going to suffer, VERY badly... You will probably only get 20% of what you would've gotten had you not cut the leaves.

NEVER.CUT.FAN.LEAVES UNLESS THEY ARE MORE THAN 75% DEAD...... they are photosynthesis FACTORIES for your plant.... think of them as the solar panels....... dude, I reckon you just made your grow another 4 weeks longer.... and I would stop flowering ASAP and reveg those babies or you're gonna get jack shit.


Agreed 100%.... you just fucked the shit out of these plants man....... Your yield is going to suffer, VERY badly... You will probably only get 20% of what you would've gotten had you not cut the leaves.

NEVER.CUT.FAN.LEAVES UNLESS THEY ARE MORE THAN 75% DEAD...... they are photosynthesis FACTORIES for your plant.... think of them as the solar panels....... dude, I reckon you just made your grow another 4 weeks longer.... and I would stop flowering ASAP and reveg those babies or you're gonna get jack shit.
I think you have misread, Ive gotten rid off all the low down shoots that were going to be low yielding and the lower fan leaves (of which there were only 4 per plant might I add) were allready yellowing. The top of the canopy is nice and dense with fan leaves on all the nodes I want buds on. I've really read up a lot on this and everywhere tells me removing the lower growth that is recieving less then a quarter the lumens of the canopy is just a drain on resources and the plant can focus growth on the canopy. I think you're wrong but ill be sure to post pics of the final product.


Well-Known Member
popay i have done both ways you will get a lot of opinionated peoplo here

the old school elite genetics gear im pulling down next saturday i plucked it bald like a chicken for slaughter beginning of flower on an experment no loss in soil

i used 2- 250w lights a mh and a hps i used a couple vertical tubes in back twisting plant everyday i used about 250 w of mixed cfl's on bottom i also used a uvb was total expermental i also tried the kushy kush by adv nuts for the first time with a bunch of first time organics i like to experment

everyone swears leaves needed by bud to collect light i now for fact leaves needed for growing not sure on flower yet but this experiment says no difference you must leve them on grow tip the ones that get frosted fans i dont know like i said i saw no lost from my last grow of the same plant with all fans left on you do you let everyone else do them

this place you always get an answere how good it is is debatable here one say its black one say its white one say its deffenetly gray
then theres the one that says i m blind since birth but its def orange take all advice do what works for you its only a plant

may grow gods smile on your seeds my brother


Well my 'butchered grow has really started thriving now i shaved their legs, the top is a hell of a lot bushier and the buds are clearly showing just a few days after. Heres a pic, they look like different plants now =D



Amigo. I ended up vegging for much longer than I wanted to due to equipment problems and I had a problem with overcrowding on the bottom 1/3 - 1/2 of all my plants. I did the same exact thing only with more plants and they are thriving as well, regardless of looking like skeletons for the bottom 1/2. My canopy was so dense that my 1000w lamp that was about 1.5-2' away could not penetrate more than about 6" down into it. All the leaves at the bottom just started to die off, then I got hit with PM in all the spots that the leaves were touching each other(My environment is right in every aspect, temp, humidity, I even have a circulation fan at the bottom of the plants, at the canopy of hte plants and even blowing down from on top of the canopy with a wall mounted fan). Not to mention the fact that my plants stopped stretching after a few days and buds exploded over the next 2 days and that was only on day 6 of flower.

I may not have been growing very long but from my logical standpoint (after all my research and now seeing it for my own 2 eyes) I think that as long as you are providing the correct nutrients that the plant WOULD have used from those leaves that were basically not being fed with light, you are fine with chopping. As long as there is enough healthy vigorous growth up top to support the main buds. My logic behind cutting the bottom BEFORE I got hit with PM was the fact that I did not want a bunch of popcorn bud that sat in the dark the entire flower period.

P.S. I'm not here to get flamed by some ignorant know it all this is just my opinion and experience, some people take peoples comments on this forum way too seriously. Take it as you will.

Looks good Amigo! I'm sure your harvest will not severely suffer. Mine seems to be thriving at week 3 after the chop.


Well-Known Member
Trimmed all the crap from the branches and left about 5" of growth from the top. This look about right? Just ordered some molasses too.
damn u went to high u know next time not to cut that much off..when u prune to focus on upper cola growth u only cut SOME of the shoots and branches off..and ur suppose to only cut the shoots and branches that are the bottom 1/3 part of the if ur plants are 2 ft u shouldnt have made any cuts past 7-8inches..get it?


damn u went to high u know next time not to cut that much off..when u prune to focus on upper cola growth u only cut SOME of the shoots and branches off..and ur suppose to only cut the shoots and branches that are the bottom 1/3 part of the if ur plants are 2 ft u shouldnt have made any cuts past 7-8inches..get it?

I don't get it, just look at them now each branch has about 12-14 inches of pure bud on and i have about 20 branches like this. By my estimations from looking at them I think i will average about 3/4 to 1oz from every branch not half bad from 3 plants people said were butchered


Just a lil update.
6 weeks into flower now, after I chopped about 1/2 of the leaves off from the bottom and they have almost all grown massive buds on the tops and very little popcorn. All my branches are falling over! I'm goin nuts trying to keep them upright lol! ;)


Agreed 100%.... you just fucked the shit out of these plants man....... Your yield is going to suffer, VERY badly... You will probably only get 20% of what you would've gotten had you not cut the leaves.

NEVER.CUT.FAN.LEAVES UNLESS THEY ARE MORE THAN 75% DEAD...... they are photosynthesis FACTORIES for your plant.... think of them as the solar panels....... dude, I reckon you just made your grow another 4 weeks longer.... and I would stop flowering ASAP and reveg those babies or you're gonna get jack shit.
I'm guessing you are going to eat your words. This is just 1 of the 3 plants with still 3 weeks + to go :weed:

