Houston we have a problem!!


Active Member
I just took off at least a dozen bud worms off of my plants, I did'n't notice them because I've been so busy lately I've just been watering them and doing a little pruning...

I will +rep all advice... I mean what can I do besides inspect every single bud one by one? It's a very tedious process but I'm going to check all three of my baby's tomorrow thoroughly, they each have 24+ colas each so I'm in for a headache lol I had sticky hands just from the 30 minutes I spent out back just now.



Well-Known Member
Feel lucky you only have three plants. I've got several more but luckily mine are flowering at different times- budworms seem to go after the most mature buds first. I pick all the worms I can see then I look for any browning of buds and wilted leaves on the buds and take off all dead growth and dig to find the worm. Also I check over all bud sites for eggs, they're usually visible on the top of the buds but sometimes you will find them on the undersides of the small leaves. It's grueling work. I've been spraying Monterey with spinosad 3x 3 to 5 days apart on plants that are no later than two weeks before harvest. I just picked up some Safer Brand BT Catapiller Killer that I'm going to try starting tomorrow. I feel for you, budworms have been my worst and most annoying problem I've had yet. Ill definitely be better prepared next year- I was caught off guard this my first year outdoors. Good luck, sounds like you have enough buds on your plants that you'll still get a decent harvest anyway.


Well-Known Member
BWG, Those GSC plants have lots of colas, just what those little shits love. :fire: Been fighting them here too, mainly in my 2, more mature, GSC plants:cuss: Fortunately there are lots of buds, so while losing some battles, I may yet win the war :weed: Using BT and tweezers here too. These fucks caught me off guard also. Like you, I'll definitely be more prepared next year :mrgreen:

Good luck to all!

R2T :peace:


Active Member
damn well I have a helper today we are going to hit all the colas one by one!! I already lost a couple cola's god damn worms, got to get some bt too


Well-Known Member
IMG_6314.jpgKeep these right next to your plants and get in the habit of inspecting for eggs and pillars whenever you go out there. Start with the Bt and Spinosad early in veg at least once a week through flower. Invest in a carport or greenhouse for next season if possible. Bugs and mold are just a part of outdoor growing. Don't get discouraged. Just accept the fact that you will lose some of your crop to these pests every year. The trick is to keep it to a minimum. Learn from experience and move on.

Good luck.


Active Member
dang just came out from the garden, found at least 30 of those fuckers!

what is my best solution at this point? just plucking them off as I see them, keep inspecting them daily?

How much would BT help? would it do the job and also what can I do with my infested colas? (with poop and what not on them)


Well-Known Member
How much would BT help? would it do the job and also what can I do with my infested colas? (with poop and what not on them)
Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the store and get BT now. It will stop the bud worms and do so safely for now and for future smoking. It won't get rid of the caterpillar shit already in your buds which is what is making them mold but keep picking the caterpillars off and make sure you get no more of the d*mn things with the BT. The foliar spray does clean the plant a little just by being sprayed. Good luck and keep this in mind for next year - start spraying once a week a couple of weeks into flower..


Active Member
well what can I do with the moldy/shit infested buds? I fucked up big time this year but it's just a lesson learned for my next grow!


Well-Known Member
well what can I do with the moldy/shit infested buds? I fucked up big time this year but it's just a lesson learned for my next grow!
If you can't cut out the mold, toss 'em. :fire: Much of the shit, that hasn't cause mold yet, and the live or dead worms will fall out during drying :sad: Salvage what ya can and don't even try to smoke moldy weed, it'll make ya puke :spew:Any likely do brain damage...lol I mean more brain damage :eyesmoke:

Great 'tude and I commend ya. With this experience behind you, you'll kick ass next grow! I know personally, I'll be BT'ing (and checking) early and often :hump:

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
you want the mold? I'm sure it would be a great appetizer for some BBQ pigeon
not sure about eating mold but lots of people eat pigeon, it's called "squab" on most menus...they serve it at foo foo fancy restaurants...but whatever the name it's still pigeon!

But that's off topic...i harvested a couple plants yesterday and found 2 worms in there...didn't even see the damn things until I harvested.

japanese steel

New Member
I have ran into the same problem. I am about 3 to 4 weeks away from prime harvest but I'm losing my patience dealing with these little bastards. I have been picking off popcorn buds that past couple of days to test them and it is giving me a pretty good high and that is with improper drying and no curing. I'm debating if I should just go ahead and harvest now to salvage what I can.