Horiffic Dry Spell F U!


Active Member
Anyone from western Canada about to snap over the b.s price of trips ie kush, and the shortage of it. I've spread my roots as far as the island and nothing. What gives? The border swapers are hording it all! Swapers your ruining it for us. Not to mension you joining the DEA with RCMP. Just donate your change to the little crime stoppers box while your at it next time your at 7-11. Out east there swamped with sea food and it's cheap out there to get it. Out west we are leaders in oil and herb. Instead of enjoying it at reasonable cost we ship it away and pay a premium for it. If you ever hear a swaper complain about gas prices.. slap him.

See what this bunk weed does to me... I get online and start my first ever blog. I don't hate you guys... I just wish you would let us eat. Even a appy lol. I miss the twinkle in your P.K. the smell of your Og... and I'll never forget the little peak you gave me of your Dutch treat. Please come back to me?!?

Love BombOnly



Active Member
Thanks for replies. I just needed to vent. Thanks for the unsure welcome lol. I can't believe what is going on. I know there are some of you reading this and laughing having less trouble than us scooping bomb. Anyone in the okanagan to island having same problem?