hood size?

Hey folks have a question about hood sizes to they matter i recently bought 2 600w ballasts and bulbs and need hoods for them is bigger better or will a 600 not fully utilize a giant hood im currently using a single 1000 but the hood for that is a really old hand me down hood that seems to absorb more light then it reflects i was thinking of getting the adjust a wing xxxl or whatever it is the biggest one they make would such a large hood work just as well for the 2 600's or would the adjust a wing medium size hoods be more suited for them


Active Member
I've found that the bigger hoods give a bigger footprint. So for a 1000w bulb a larger hood is best and for a 400-600 you don't need that large of hood because you want a smaller footprint. If you want a larger footprint however you can buy a larger hood.

The wings are nice and work well but you cant get the light as close to the plant as you can with a vented enclosed hood. Also if room temps are a concern the vented hoods are the way to go.
Heats not an issue really my intake fan is 2600cfm seems a larger hood for the 600's may be better if ill have to have them a little further away thanks for the info about the footprint


Well-Known Member
theres no reason to get a extra large hood for a 600 i figure it will just lessen light quality because uit wont be as focused